Al Jazeera’s ‘The Labour Files’ documentary maliciously and falsely attempts to link a well-known Jew to violent threat on Facebook

A segment in the Al Jazeera Investigations The Labour Files ‘documentary’ maliciously and falsely attempts to link a well-known Jewish campaigner against antisemitism to violent threat on Facebook to disgraced barrister Damian McCarthy.

We set the record straight.

We obtained a copy of the dossier that was sent in April 2020 to Howell John, founder and, at that time, a director at Nationwide Employment Lawyers (NEL).

Contrary to McCarthy’s claim, official records show that since 29 July 2019 he was the owner of NEL, not his “stepdad”.

Also, McCarthy claims that the dossier was sent through to a “private email address”, that’s not entirely true either.

The dossier containing examples of McCarthy’s antisemitic Facebook posts and comments was sent to Howell John’s company email address and to his Web-based email account.

The screenshot copy that was shown in the ‘documentary’ included McCarthy’s antisemitic comment associating the Jewish state with unsubstantiated allegation of paedophilia. This was conveniently omitted by Al Jazeera.

Ironically, in December 2017, McCarthy shared that same “horrendous” “awful” screenshot on his Facebook page and with thousands others in numerous Facebook groups including the “Labour Party Forum” and “Supporting Democratic Socialism”.

We documented Damian McCarthy’s antisemitic abuse here.

The makers of this ‘documentary’, Phil Rees, Richard Sanders, Kevin Hirten, and Lydia Morrish should hang their heads in shame.

As for McCarthy, he may no longer be a member of the UK Labour Party but he is a member of Unite the Union in Brighton and can vote in leadership elections. We will be reporting him to Unite.

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