Anglican priest antisemitism exposed

After receiving a tip, we decided to closely examine Anglican priest Wendy Hough‘s antisemitic social media output. 

Wendy holds a licence or “PTO” in the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf which is part of the Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.

What we found is unacceptable for any faith leader.  Wendy is not only antisemitic, but she also appears to lie about having a Jewish mother to hide her antisemitism.

A Walter Mitty-like character, Wendy has been deported from Northern Cyprus.

We call upon Archbishop Hosam Elias Naoum to remove Wendy’s licence to practice as a priest.  You can complain about her behaviour here:


PO Box 19122, 65 Nablus Road, Jerusalem 91191

Phone: +972 (0)2 627 1670


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