Louis Brehony

Louis Brehony

Musician | Author | Manchester, UK

Background information

Louis Brehony is a musician at Manchester-based Arabic music group Gazelleband (فرقة الغزال), an author, and a writer. He has published widely on the Revolutionary Communist Group (RCG) website and in Palestine Chronicle. Furthermore, Brehony is the admin of the Manchester branch of RCG – Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (FRFI) Facebook groups.

On 22 June 2024, Louis Brehony led a march in Manchester where he publicly glorified “the heroic actions of the 7th of October.” This wasn’t an isolated incident. Brehony was expressing support for Hamas terrorists on multiple occasions being cheered on by “Pro-Palestinian” racists. In addition, Brehony was promoting violent resistance on the streets of Britain.

We urge you to report him and the Revolutionary Coommunist Group to Counter Terrorism Policing.

Supporting Terrorism

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